ASTRONOMY CLUB OF TULSAOBSERVER September 2003 ACT, Inc. has been meeting continuously since 1937 and was incorporated in 1986. It is a nonprofit; tax deductible organization dedicated to promoting, to the public, the art of viewing and the scientific aspect of astronomy. WhatThe Astronomy Club of Tulsa Club WhenFriday, 12 September, 2003 at 7:30 PM WhereRoom M1 inside Keplinger Hall, the Science & Engineering Building at TU. Enter the parking lot on the East Side of Keplinger Hall from Harvard and 5th Street. This will take you directly toward the staircase to enter the building. Room M1 is the first room on the left.
President’s MessageDenny MishlerOur September meeting features Dr. Derek Sears, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Arkansas. Dr. Sears is also the Director of the Arkansas - Oklahoma Center for Space and Planetary Sciences, an organization that has provided our club with excellent speakers at our meetings over the past several years. Dr. Sears researches in "Cosmochemistry" which includes the studies of extraterrestrial materials, asteroid and comet surface processes, history of meteorites, etc. In recent years the planet Mars has drawn increasing interest from Scientists. High-resolution images of its surface have suggested that water may be flowing at the present time. This changes completely our perceptions of the life forms on the planet. At the large planetary environmental chamber located at the University of Arkansas, Dr. Sears and his colleagues are conducting experiments to help us better understand the behavior of water on Mars. This is the first large scale attempt to experimentally address some fundamental questions that could completely alter our views about water on Mars and its prospects for life. We will have a pre meeting dinner at 5:45 PM with Dr. Sears and his wife Hazel at the Western Sizzlin restaurant located at 21st Street just east of Sheridan (on the south side of 21st). We have a separate room reserved for our group. On Friday night's Western Sizzlin has their special seafood buffet available for $12.99, or you may choose the regular buffet with everything but seafood for $6.99. You may also order meals from the overhead menu. Whatever you choose, you must mention to the cashier that you are with the Astronomy Group. A $15% gratuity will be added to your check. The reserved dining room is roomy and comfortable and will make an ideal location to socialize with members and our guest speaker. Dr. Sears is one of the World's top experts on meteorites and this would be an opportunity to get information in that area of his research also. At the conclusion of our meeting we will have some refreshments and if it is a clear evening we should be able to view Mars with telescopes provided by several members. MARS WATCH 2003 DRAWS THOUSANDS By some counts and estimates more than 5000 members of the public attended our Mars Watch 2003 Event held in conjunction with Oxley Nature Center and The Planetary Society at Mohawk Park on September 5th and 6th. At times lines of 50 people and more were lined up at the 30 telescopes members provided. Tony White's TMB refractor had a line that extended 100 yards or more at peak attendance on Friday night. Members of the public were very cooperative, patient and appreciative of our efforts to show them Mars, the moon and other celestial wonders. Time and again I heard people say what a well-organized event we were holding. Our organizers; club members David Stine and John Land and Oxley Nature Center's Donna Horton prepared a well thought out plan that was carried out by an organizing committee that included Teresa Kincannon, Steve Chapman, Vince Moore, Gerry Andries, Tom McDonough, Hugh Selman, Richie Shroff and Tony White. Thanks go to John and Cherrie Windler who brought hot chocolate and cookies around to members on Saturday night and also to Vince Moore for organizing his Boy Scout Troop 66 and several other troops that provided traffic control and information as visitors arrived. And thanks also to all the members that attended, brought telescopes and gave the public an enthusiastic introduction to our hobby. Clear skies, Astroland Tidbits - by John Land 2004 Royal Canadian Observers Handbooks - Prepaid $15.00 Each by Nov 7 We are taking prepaid orders for $15.00 between now and our Nov 7 meeting. To get this great rate we must receive 10 or more orders otherwise the price will be $16.50 each. The individual price is $26 plus shipping. The Canadian Observer's handbook has been the recognized source of astronomical events and tables since 1911. You find easy to read monthly charts detailing events for 2004 plus many pages for observing planets, comets and asteroids. For details see www.rasc.ca2004 Astronomy Calendars - Prepaid $7.00 each no later than Oct 10 ! We will be placing an order for the 2004 Astronomical Calendars from Astronomy magazine in October in order for you to get them here for Christmas gifts. If we order 15 or more we can get substantial discounts. The price this year is only $7.00 per calendar compared to $12.00 plus shipping if you order individually. However you must pay in advance no later than the Oct 10 meeting. Astronomy cautions us that many clubs are using these for fundraisers and they may sell out early. Address corrections: Every month we get several newsletters returned due to faulty addresses. Check your address label to see if it needs changes and send us an address change if you move. Also on your address label you will see the month that your membership dues expire. Email Addresses - Sign UP to get the latest Astro Alerts from David Stine and other events that take place during the month. If you have not been receiving these we do not have a valid email address for you. If you would like to added to our email list send us your NAME - and Email address with subject - Astronomy Club email list to membership e-mail Magazine Subscriptions: You can get substantial discounts for Sky & Telescope and Astronomy magazine by ordering thorough the Astronomy Club. If your magazines are coming up for renewal, try to save the mailing label or renewal form you get in the mail. Do NOT mail renewals back to the magazine! To get the club discount you must go through the club group rate. Sky & Telescope is $33 / yr — Astronomy is $29 for 1 year or $55 for 2 years. — Club Memberships and Renewals:If you see errors or make any changes in your address or E-mail please keep us informed. Contact John Land, or by mail to the address below. You may make Renewals and changes at any club meeting or mail a check to Astronomy Club of
Tulsa Note: Sending your check to the club mailbox may delay processing several weeks. Club memberships are $25 per year for adults and $15 per year for students. A membership form is available at our website or you may pick one up at any of our club events. RENEWALS: DON'T FORGET TO RENEW Club Memberships Astronomy Club of Tulsa Membership Application / Renewal Form Name: ________________________ Phone: ( ) ____ _______ Address: ___________________________________________________ City / State / Zip____________________/____________/_____________ ________________________________________________________ E-mail address - print clearly Check Lines below for YES ____ I would prefer to receive E-mail notification when club newsletter is posted to the web. ____ I choose to receive my newsletter by E-mail ONLY instead of postal mail. (Usually 3 or 4 days earlier * Must have web access ) ____ Notify me by E-mail of late breaking Astronomy Events Please check all that apply: ___ New Membership ($25) ___ Student Membership ($15) ___ Membership Renewal ($25) ___ Student Member Renewal ($15) ___ Sky & Telescope Subscription ($33) / year also includes 10% discount on most Sky & Tel products ___ Astronomy Subscription ($29) / year ($55) / two years * Magazine rates may change / prices available with membership only. Please bring this application along with a check for the total amount made out to the Astronomy Club of Tulsa to the next meeting or mail the payment and application to: Astronomy Club of Tulsa / 25209 E. 62nd St / Broken Arrow, OK 74014 For questions contact John Land How did you hear of the Astronomy Club of Tulsa? ___________________________________________________________ How long have you been interested or active in astronomy? ___________ Do you have a telescope? _______ Type __________________________ Have you been a member of other astronomy clubs? ____ Where / when ________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ What astronomy club activities would you like to participate in? ____________________________________________________________
![]() Astronomy Club of Tulsa, 918.688.MARS President: Dennis Mishler Vice President: Craig Davis Treasurer: Nick Pottorf Assistant Treasurer: John Land Secretary: Jim Miller RMCC Observatory Manager: Gerry Andries Observing Chairman: David Stine Web Master: Tom McDonough New Membership: Craig Davis Newsletter: Richie Shroff |